Masks and Aprons and Goggles, Oh My!


How was your first massage after going back to work? Special thanks to my son, who did a good job of illustrating how I felt. 😂

It’s been interesting to see the chatter within the massage community about PPE and comparing the differences between associations. I compiled this chart to illustrate these differences; as you can see, they vary widely. A big part of this is due to the fact that each association has created their guidelines in accordance with provincial documents, which vary across the country. 

Wearing PPE is a new concept for RMTs and so I understand the frustrations that come along with it. I’ve been back to practice for a few weeks now and it’s definitely becoming easier with time.

While the use of PPE is undoubtedly important, especially masks, we can’t let it overshadow the importance of screening, hand hygiene, cleaning, and distancing when able. If you’re still on the fence about the effectiveness of masks, this example in the hairdressing industry helped solidify my stance.

I think it’s also important to note that municipal requirements add another layer of complexity. For example, as of the date of this post, Toronto’s city council voted to make masks mandatory indoors, which means massage clients in Toronto will now be required to wear a mask, even though it’s only recommended by the CMTO. In short, you need to make sure you understand what PPE requirements you’re subject to.

PPE Requirements Final.jpg

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Mobile Massage Therapy with Covid-19 Protocols