Cinnamon Buns and Game Changing Direct Billing Charts

Can you believe that one time I witnessed someone throw away the center of a cinnamon bun? 😱 Everyone knows that the center of the cinnamon bun is the best part!!

Now if you were to ask me what the best part of my direct billing course is, I would say: the amazing printables!

Which is why I’m now offering them as a stand alone product. So if you don’t need/want to take the full course, you can still have access to these game changing documents. 

What you get:

Direct Billing Reference Guide

Highlights the most important points about registration, submission, and accounting. It's a handy little "cheat sheet" for future use!

Master Sheet - Direct Billing Company Rules (PDF, Excel):

All of the rules for more than 40 insurance companies summarized in one place!

Which Providers Can Submit Online? (PDF, Excel):

Outlines which practitioners can submit online claims to each insurance company.

Sample Insurance Cards:

Helpful when trying to identify the numbers provided by your clients.

All this for only $20!!

Think about it, you won’t have to post to the massage Facebook groups anymore asking, “Where is the portal for Equitable Life?” or “How often does Greenshield pay out?” and wait for a response. And trust me, I read those responses and half the time they’re wrong.

Get trusted docs from the self proclaimed biggest direct billing nerd in Canada! Yes, that's me.

Please note, you will not receive any credits for this course and it does not include any walk through videos. If you’re looking for that, please see my full course Direct Billing for Health & Wellness Practitioners. You can use the code DIRECT25 at checkout to receive 25% off the full course.


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